College admissions essays
Multi Paragraph Essay Topic On Romeo And Juliet
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Theology Essays - Catholic Theology, Jesus, God, Sola Fide
Religious philosophy Numerous kids are raised as Catholics and remain Catholics, while numerous youngsters grow up to loathe the religion. Should guardians press their youngsters to be Catholic? Can't their kids lead great and satisfying lives without the philosophical things accomplished when one decides to get strict? What is the distinction that an ecclesial confidence in Jesus Christ makes for an individual and for the world? Having confidence in God gives individuals constant ethics, direction and something to trust in other than possibility. Ethics are distinctive in each general public and change after some time as people groups' qualities and perspectives change. Despite the fact that skeptics can have great ethics, their standards may change after some time. Rather than following what is happening in our general public, having confidence in God and his ways gives perpetual ethics that are constantly suitable and harmony everlasting. It gives Catholics security realizing that what they are doing is correct. ?Jesus utilized these invitational and provocative types of discourse ? apothegms and illustrations ? to undercut traditional methods of seeing and living, and to welcome his listeners to substitute method of life.?(Borg, p. 75) How individuals see life and what they have faith in decide how they will carry on with their life. Having set ethics imparted in them through Catholicism, youngsters might be progressively disposed to be acceptable. Being raised a specific way doesn't ensure that an individual will follow w hat they were raised to accept. Bringing up a youngster as Catholic however makes an individual increasingly inclined to having an idealistic existence. Additionally, ethics give Catholic families a grapple. At the point when everybody puts stock in similar ethics it makes solidarity and keeps harmony. Following God's ways as per Borg is ?The thin way, the manner in which less voyage, is the elective shrewdness of Jesus.? The manner in which less voyaged is life in the soul and the existence that Jesus himself knew. ?Our way of life's common knowledge doesn't avow the truth of the Spirit; the main reality about which it is sure is the noticeable universe of our conventional experience.?(Borg, p. 87) Atheists seek the material world for reason and happiness. They measure their self-esteem as indicated by how well they achieved these qualities dependent on realism, and if succeed they may discover the prizes not satisfying. Living the manner in which less voyaged is carrying on with a real existence focused in Christ in anticipation of satisfaction through Christ that did not depend on realism. Catholics feel they generally have somebody (God), somebody that will never deceive them and that will at long last make them content. Having confidence in God gives us direction. As we settle on choices regular, we now and then get befuddled on what we ought to do. At these occasions, we can go to God and figure what might Jesus do? While a few choices might be as little as whether to keep the cash when a clerk gives you an excess of progress back, different choices might be groundbreaking. ?In the message and action of Jesus, we see an elective social vision: a network formed not by the ethos and legislative issues of virtue, yet by the ethos and governmental issues of empathy.? Jesus had confidence in sympathy. He didn't feel that it was all in all correct to have a virtue framework that either made you great or downright awful. The immaculateness framework said that on the off chance that you were a gentile, not entire (uncleanliness, harmed gonads or missing penis), female, poor and so forth., you were tainted. Jesus didn't feel this was reasonable. He conflicted with this and aided those thought about tainted and even feasted with them. Having a position on empathy prompted a general public where everybody is incorporated. In spite of the fact that the greater part of society trusted in the virtue framework, Jesus settled on the choice to conflict with what he accepted wasn't right. Because something is convention doesn't make it right. Catholics can take a gander at the activities of Jesus and apply how he settled on his decisions to their own life realizing that their choice will be ethically right. While nonbelievers simply trust that things will end up being great, Catholics accept that their will is in God's grasp. Since Catholics accept this, they get a feeling of harmony realizing that whatever occurs, fortunate or unfortunate, it is in God's grasp and is for their
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
MindMeister Wins Best User Centered Design Award - Focus
MindMeister Wins Best User Centered Design Award - Focus Were rather proud to announce that MindMeister just won its first award the Best User Centered Design Company of the Year 2007 award by Hasso Plattner Ventures! For those of you who dont know him, Hasso is one of the founders of SAP. He was also there when we received the prize last week in Berlin, at the annual Forum on Entrepreneurship (which incidentally carried the theme Design IT this year). The jury seemed to think that MindMeister had an outstandingly intuitive and accessible user interface combined with a well thought-out feature set (we agree completely ;-)), which is why they selected MindMeister from a shortlist of 15 or so nominated tools. Not bad, eh? Get Started with Mind Mapping Try MindMeister MindMeister Wins Best User Centered Design Award - Focus Were rather proud to announce that MindMeister just won its first award the Best User Centered Design Company of the Year 2007 award by Hasso Plattner Ventures! For those of you who dont know him, Hasso is one of the founders of SAP. He was also there when we received the prize last week in Berlin, at the annual Forum on Entrepreneurship (which incidentally carried the theme Design IT this year). The jury seemed to think that MindMeister had an outstandingly intuitive and accessible user interface combined with a well thought-out feature set (we agree completely ;-)), which is why they selected MindMeister from a shortlist of 15 or so nominated tools. Not bad, eh? Get Started with Mind Mapping Try MindMeister
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Naval Architecture Ship Displacement Tonnage
Displacement Tonnage, sometimes just called displacement, is just one way a ship is measured by weight. Naval architects who design all kinds of vessels have goals to build the ship as close to the designed weight as possible. This helps ensure that it performs as expected in all sorts of conditions, and can carry loads or maintain desired cruising speed. Why Is Displacement Tonnage Used? Organizations who set rules and standards for ships use displacement tonnage as a way to classify different sizes of ships. Ports and harbors use displacement tonnage as one of the criteria when determining berthing charges. To understand the concepts related to displacement we will use a simplified example. The first thing we need to know is that water has weight and for the example, were going to say eight pounds per gallon because of its close to 3.5 kilos. In the real world, water varies a little bit if it is fresh or salt water and weighs less when it gets hot since it expands slightly. Our ship is going to be a simple box with an open top and flat bottom. Now we float the box in some water. Because it has the weight it will push some of the water out of the way as it floats. On the side, we mark a line where the water comes up the sides of the box. This Is Called the Water Line Creative, right? If we take our box out of the water and fill the inside with water up to the waterline we can measure how many gallons it takes. Then we can multiply that number of gallons by eight because we said our water weighed exactly eight pounds per gallon. Lets say it took 100 gallons to fill our box to the Water Line. The total weight of that water is 800 pounds and if we weigh our box we will see that it weighs exactly the same, 800 pounds. So displacement means; what is the weight of the water displaced by the hull of a ship up to the waterline. If the vessel is a cargo ship the waterline may change and be measured with Load Lines but displacement tonnage is always measured with a ship completely empty of cargo. Weight-in-Tons The word tonnage is just another way to say weight-in-tons. In a simple hull design called a displacement hull, the waterline is easy to place and it can change according to load. Almost all big cargo ships have displacement hull designs so they can carry the maximum cargo. Another type of hull has multiple chines, or levels, that the vessel rides on at different speeds. These hulls lift the boat out of the water to reduce resistance and increase speed. Many small recreational boats have this design but its also found on warships like the Littoral Combat Ship. In the case of these hulls, the desired waterline must be carefully calculated to achieve the desired performance and angle of attack at any speed.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Military Leadership - 1194 Words
Within the U.S. military, leadership is generally considered something of a given. It is a fundamental ingredient of warfare, without which the outcome of a combat operation cannot be assured. The leader is the brain, the motive power of command, upon whom subordinates rely for guidance and wisdom, and depend upon for good judgment. The leader must be determined, unflappable and charismatic; confident in delegation of authority; able to combine the various strands of command into a common thread; seasoned, intelligent, and thoughtful. When judging the qualities of leadership, there is a tendency to think of the gifted, or natural leader, involving some expectation that leadership is an inherent personality quality that some have, and†¦show more content†¦Army Staff College, and the Naval War College. Historical examples of military success and failure featured prominently in their curricula, on the assumption that trial†and†error under combat conditions was a poor method of inculcating leadership skills. Lessons learned in the classroom were then effected in map and field exercises. The expectation was, and still is, that non†combat training would provide a fund of practical knowledge upon which a commander could use as a point of departure under battlefield conditions. For the educational reformers, emulation was key, although they admitted that talent was also valuable. Raw talent, however, was no substitute for its disciplined application. Considering the growing complexity and lethality of war, education was regarded as the surest means of directing talent toward the desired end. Yet the question of native ability remained; could those without it become effective leaders? A problem reformers grappled with was the difference between leadership and command; they are not the same thing, for not all commanders are good leaders, and not all leaders are good commanders. During the Civil War, Gen. George McClellan, for example, was a truly inspirational leader who won the total devotion of his troops, yet consistently failed to achieve decisive victory in battle. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, on the other hand, was an excellent commander, to whom few wouldShow MoreRelatedMilitary Leadership1493 Words  | 6 PagesMilitary leadership theory brings forth the discovery of many ideas regarding the application of knowledge from a military background in a business environment. Much information was premised on business owners, managers and employees working collectively, how to improve communication skills, and how to define a goal and motivate others to follow it based on military leadership. The connection between these two worlds of business and military is apparent. 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How Historical Architecture Elements Have Been Destroyed Free Essays
string(92) " be a pelvic of the Gaza pyramids in Egypt with huge sphinxes at the front of the building\." How historical architecture elements have been destroyed in the buildings of Lass Vegas Lass Vegas is a city in the state of Nevada and the city is extremely populous and internationally known for the fine dining, gaming and shopping (Stern, Peggy and Alan 13). Lass Vegas proclaims itself as the world’s capital of entertainments due to its famous hotels combined with casinos. It may seem like all the great architecture of the world is gathered in one place: there’s Venice, Caesar Palace, Luxury, New York and Camelot Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and etc. We will write a custom essay sample on How Historical Architecture Elements Have Been Destroyed or any similar topic only for you Order Now Directly low the Eiffel Tower, cicadas buzz in branches of the Roman pines that overlook the waters of an Italian lake. Suddenly, the waters burst into song: the voices of Andrea Bacilli and Cline Don rise into the warm night air and spectacular fountains sway in time to the music. Fifteen minutes later, the fountains are dancing to Elvis. ( Hollies, Edward) All these revolution of the themed casino hotel building took place in the sass, when casino owners such as Steve Wynn and Sheldon G Delano realized that Vegas didn’t have to be Just about gambling. If they could turn Vegas into a loudly destination in its own right, they figured, then they could attract all sorts of people – folks from Out East, families, and so on, who would never have dreamed have coming before. And if they could attract those regular respectable folks, then they could attract regular money, too. But the architectural design used in the majority of the buildings in Lass Vegas is just a total replication of the ancient architectural design from various part of the world (Stern, Peggy and Alan 13). This meaner that most of its modern architectural design is a complete abstraction of the original design. The Lass Vegas hotels with the ancient architecture theme may have the similar fade of the ancient building but they are essentially still the modernism buildings. The ancient architectural buildings emphasize 3 elements like aesthetic, function and structure. All these three elements should marry together. The Lass Vegas buildings are like most of the modernism buildings which emphasize the space. Space is deified in the modernism thus replaced the position of the symbol, bringing the architect to give up the combination of architecture and painting, sculpture, images, and no longer pursuit the symbol. Modernist international style of â€Å"less is more†from Miss van deer Roe as the representative to the simple and rapid industrialization nature adapted to the needs of the times, has swept the world. (Wick) As we all know Lass Vegas is an extremely commercialese city where advertising, signs and construction of the symbol itself is as important as the position, which has also become one of the images of the city of Lass Vegas. Extensive use of neon at night makes the city showing a completely different image. This is a naked commercialism table. Billboards, similar to the trademark signs, neon signs, all this kind of exaggeration, mixed nightclub style architecture are not cohesive with the ancient style architecture. The Lass Vegas hotels mimicking the ancient style architecture buildings and at the same time mixed these entire modern commercial decorations extremely destroyed the classical style and the classical atheistic elements of the ancient architecture. In the book LEARNING FROM LASS VEGAS, the author Robert Venture divided the symbolism of the local building into two types: a Decorated Duck, or decorate shed or huts. Long Island duck, Aberdeen (designed like a duck store) is a erect symbol of the space of the building. The Duck is a building that has so reduced itself in importance that it has actually become the sign. According to Venture, most modern architecture are basically UN-admitted Ducks. The real hypocrisy for Venture was that â€Å"†¦ Odder architecture always demonstrated what it was by setting itself against what it wasn’t. †But a duck is a duck. The overall structure of the way submerged in the shape of an elephant. Decorated huts are ordinary buildings with local giant billboards and markers. He describes functional boring architecture, auteur to the point of being difficult to recall, but carries a surface with applique © ornamental symbols. The billboard is higher than the construction, in add ition to the front facade, the back facade of the building seems to be no style. These billboards has become a symbol rich architectural language of the local business, on the other hand the building seems to be reduced only with the symbols of asylum. The buildings in the Lass Vegas with the ancient building look are Just the mixed of these two types. These hotels Just used the ancient building as a symbol of the space of the alluding. In S. Maria del Priority, as Venture, Scott Brown, and Ignore wrote of Lass Vegas, â€Å"architecture is a shelter with symbols on it. †(90) The designs of the ancient architecture are Just working like a shell or out shape. The essential elements are no longer inside of these buildings. With these ancient architecture shell, the hotels added the giant billboards to the front fade which is a total conflict with the classic style made all the ancient styles buildings more liked the cartoon type of architecture. The classical aesthetics have been destroyed by these cartoon type. In the eighteenth century Europe, however, aesthetics was a discipline in formation. (Irene Small, 18) The classical styles of the ancient architecture here became only a giant decoration of the hotels. The elements of these building no longer emphasis on performance of the structure and function but on symbolic significance and the billboard, markers dominate the space. Luxury Hotel is a very prominent building in Lass Vegas strip due to its sheer size and the architectural construction design. The hotel is named after ancient city in Egypt. It was built with a unique Egyptian concept. Its structural design is perceived to be a pelvic of the Gaza pyramids in Egypt with huge sphinxes at the front of the building. You read "How Historical Architecture Elements Have Been Destroyed" in category "Papers" The interior design of the building is a copy of the Egyptian artifacts, form it golden materials to the sculptures. This is according to the Evolve Simpson who was the main architect of the Luxury building (Stern, Peggy and Alan 14) the building is Just a replica of the ancient pyramid in Egypt because its exterior design is composed of a black glass that encases the metal frame hollow structure. The inside of the building opens up to the largest open hall in the world, it’s lavishly decorate with very many productions of the Egyptian painting and artifacts which give the building a sense of ancient times. During the night, very powerful spotlights shoot straight from the building to the air. These spotlights are even visible from space (Vinegar, 28). The Luxury Hotel, which was actually opened in the 1993, had a very magnificent theme of an ancient Egypt, when compared to the original pyramid but the architectural design borrows a lot of the modern technology while still trying to maintain the structural design of the original pyramid. Paris Lass Vegas is another building with a omelet imitation of the original architectural work. The building is located at the strip of the Lass Vegas. Its theme is the city of Paris in France. It’s a 541 foot tall replication of the Eiffel tower, in a shape of a Montpellier balloon. It has a two-third size Arc De triumphed, which is a replica of the La Fontanne deer. Surging the architectural planning, the Eiffel scale model was supposed to be built to the full model. That is to the same height like original tower in Paris France. But the airport was to close and tower had to be shrunk. The Eiffel tower of Lass Vegas is in the scale f 1 in comparison to the original tower in Paris France. The Lass Vegas tower has another unique architectural difference from the original tower. The back leg of the Eiffel tower come down through the ceiling into the casino floor. The Eiffel tower has a very significant structural deviation from the original tower. The tower is only 165 meters with about 5000 tons of welded steel and stands. This is about half the size of the original which is about 320 meters tall. This is a same height as of an 81 – story building. Furthermore, the Eiffel tower of France consists of a structure that made up f puddle iron that weight approximately 7300 tones, while the rest of the structure is made of nonmetallic components, which weights a approximately 10000 tones. This demonstrates the economy of design which is much different with the Eiffel tower of Lass Vegas. Venetian hotel stands at the site where one of the famous old buildings used to stand. The Sand Building was restructured during the time when Lass Vegas was moving onwards in the field of architectural designs. The Sand buildings artistic design was altered and replaced with roman architectural design, which gave the Venetian building carved stone columns in the open lobby. Again these are Just the copy of the fade of the ancient architectural. Caesar Palace Casino in Lass Vegas was constructed in 1965. The hotel was named Caesar Palace because the owner though that the name would evoke the thoughts of the loyalty because of the roman general Julius Caesar. The architectural design of the hotel had a roman architectural touch and a theme, signaling both ancient decadence and sophistication. The roman architecture framed the entrance with spraying fountains and may replicas of detailed roman statues all around the building. The idea of replicating the ancient roman architectural design was to make every guest to the hotel feel like a Caesar. This ancient ideology is also represented by the absence of an apostrophe in the Caesar Palace, which meant that it is a place of many Caesar and not one. The Caesar Palace Just represents a fade of original architectural building design of the Romans. Lass Vegas has bee accused by critics as being uncultured, heartless metropolis with remarkably little patience with any architecturally outdated building in the city, which include its own historical building sites. Visiting the end of the Fremont Street one experience digress en walking past the hulking shell of Minneapolis. , without being aware of hope the building once represented. However the building has lost its original aesthetic value and visitors have shown little to no interest in the building. The building has been into Fremont square as a part of the revitalization efforts. The ancient beauty and aesthetic value of the building has bee replaced with an animation of the modern architectural design. The building of the Caesar palace mimic all these ancient elements like arch and column mostly in a decoration way. The ancient Rome use Arches which were made of stones or bricks and placed on top of each other in a way that it can form and an arch and hold weight upon itself. Also in the Rome the arches were used to hold the massive weight of the dome. The arches in Caesar palace’s ceiling works mostly Just as the decorating to resemble the ancient Rome building style and offer a glimpse into the ancient Roman buildings almost two thousand years ago. In fact, the hotel mainly used the columns from which originated from the Greek architecture. For the material, the ancient roman mainly used concrete and blocks. But the modern construction materials of the hotel are nothing similar to the brick and concrete walls. The hotel used the modern day technological materials and were built using the state of art architectural technology (Bourns, 1 53) same like the Luxury hotel. The pyramid is used by the totally different material from the original ancient building with the giant glass. The fancy version of the sphinx, totally different scale of the building, all made these Lass Vegas pyramid more like a children’s park like buildings while the classical architectural pay attention to building as a whole. The four cascades in addition to the roof should be carved like a sculpture. In Lass Vega’s extreme commercial environment, Buildings are made rapid, shallow and vulgar. In order to compete in this marketplace, a casino needs a virtual edge that fulfills the old role of the sign. The buildings are often renovated to get the glossy fades. In 1998, Steve Wynn transformed an image of the Italian Bellagio resort into drizzling fountains and â€Å"historic†two-story building facades, while in 1999, Circus Circus Corporation realized the Mandalay Bays Southeast Asian theme by bringing in 2700 tons of a sand. Buildings in Lass Vegas are in relentless change. The outlooks of the building are mostly concerned in these Vegas buildings but not the structure. The ancient buildings emphasize the structure and that’s how they can stand there for over thousands of year. The sturdiness is a very important character of the ancient buildings while in the Lass Vega’s buildings these elements are no longer important. In fact, Vanity and fragility of modern architecture are criticized in Xavier Delver ‘s urban forms urban forms. Lass Vegas is the modern commercial city with visual propaganda in the business repose and business needs. The benefits of social, economic, and visual impact largely affect the form and the shape of the buildings. The vision becomes an important factor of a way to attract eyeballs. Maybe that’s why they are mimicking the famous architecture in the world. But the essential elements of the architecture are totally lost in these commercial buildings in which the only logic is for the profit. The purpose of business is to make money; the purpose of commercial buildings is to service to make money. The buildings in Lass Vegas mimicking the famous architecture designs are Just the visual construction of the commercials. How to cite How Historical Architecture Elements Have Been Destroyed, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Prostitution Legalization
Prostitution has been illegal in many countries in the world. Despite this fact, prostitution has continued to be practiced in every capital, and other cities in every country. This being the fact the governments need to see that they are fighting a losing battle and continuous prohibition of prostitution is like chasing wind. There are many reasons that do call for the government to change its strategy and legalize prostitution. There are numerous reasons as to why the government should legalize prostitution. Some of those reasons are as follows.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Prostitution Legalization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When prostitution is illegal, many of those who practice it do it secretively. This makes them be exploited by their clients. They are put in every kind of abuse, yet they are afraid to report the exploiters to the authority, as they fear they may be arrested. This makes the explo iters to evade justice. This encourages them to continue with their vice thus humiliating many innocent prostitutes. If prostitution will be legalized, prostitutes will not fear to report the clients who rape them and the exploiters will stop this menace, as they will be afraid of consequences of their actions. Legalizing prostitution will curb the spread of HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. This is because when prostitution will be legalized prostitutes can be required to be tested for those diseases. Those found with diseases can be treated or barred from trading. The government can offer treatment to them easily as prostitutes will not be afraid to seek medication. This will be extremely beneficial as it can protect the prostitutes and their clients. Legalization of prostitution will make the government put its resources in other beneficial activities. Governments do use a lot of money in campaigns to condemn prostitution. These resources can be put into other uses such as education or health provision in the country. Police spend a lot of time chasing and arresting prostitutes, whereas many criminals are harassing the public. With the legalization of prostitution, police will be chasing real criminals instead of harassing harmless prostitutes. Prostitution is a source of income to those who practice it. With the current rise of unemployment in the country, it is paramount for the government to legalize prostitution. Bearing in mind that many of prostitutes have low education profile and for them to secure decent jobs is hard, prostitution need to be legalized. This would make prostitutes be respected by members of the public. This will minimize stress faced by prostitutes, which leads to other stress related crimes. Legalization of prostitution makes the government control prostitution. The government will ensure those who practice this profession are not underage. This will assist in eliminating child prostitution. Human trafficking wi ll decrease as many of victims trafficked are meant to participate in prostitution. With this in mind, it is crucial that those who care for children should let prostitution be legalized.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ones body is a God’s gift, which one should not be controlled on how to use it as long as one is not infringing rights of others. Therefore, prostitutes has right to use their bodies as they see it fit without being stigmatized by law. Legalization of prostitution will make prostitution be carried out in conducive environments, which pose no danger to the prostitute and their clients. Since today prostitution is illegal, prostitutes are not taxed, yet they earn a lot of money from the trade. Bearing in mind that taxes are the ones used to develop every country economy it is not agreeable to ignore the contribution the taxes from prostitutes can make. The government can encourage the establishment of brothels, which would make government access the taxes from prostitutes easily. Prostitutes would be required to acquire licenses in order to commence their business. The licenses would be provided with a fee as a source of income to the government. Countries, which have legalized prostitution, are getting a lot of revenue from the sex industry. Dutch sex industry gives more than 500 million dollars annually. Countries with high population can make a lot of money from prostitution and put this revenue in their economy development. Legalization of prostitution will help to curb incest and rape crimes. This is because the perpetrators of these crimes will not fear to seek prostitute services. Many relatives are exploiting young ones, and if prostitution is legalized the relatives are provided with an alternative to seek prostitutes’ services without being intimidated or judged. Bestiality and other harmful sexual practices will come down with legalization of prostitution. Prostitution is a trade where buyers and sellers do it willingly. No one is forced to be the party in prostitution. This being the fact there is a need to legalize this practice because adult individuals who are responsible for their actions carry it out. Prostitution therefore, needs to be considered as any other profession carried out in the country. Conclusion The government has no choice but to legalize prostitution. Legal prostitution is the only remedy to end menace associated with prostitution. Prostitution is a practice, which is here to stay, and illegalizing makes, it is a black market trade exposing both the prostitutes and their clients to many risks. Legal trades are easy to control and manage, and if the government want to control this trade it need to legalize it. This essay on Prostitution Legalization was written and submitted by user Matthias Hansen to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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